Job at Richmond New City Plaza - Kitchen and Front Desk Cashier

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Job at Richmond New City Plaza - Kitchen and Front Desk Cashier

Kitchen and Front Desk Cashier


Contact Information

(672) 399-7199

Job Description

Jige Snacks will open in February at Richmond New City Plaza. We are now hiring kitchen and front desk cashier staff. Kitchen staff are required to have experience in Cantonese rice rolls, congee, or northern stuffed pancakes and buns. Young, focused, and quick movers will be preferred. Those without experience are also welcome; front desk cashiers must be able to speak Cantonese, Mandarin, and basic English, and should be friendly and agile. All staff must hold a work permit; short-term workers please do not disturb. Please contact Jim via text: 672 3997199, including name, gender, age, work experience, and available working days in a week.

Company Introduction

Jige Snacks is a restaurant committed to providing authentic Cantonese cuisine, located in the bustling Richmond New City Plaza.

